A Hero for The People

If you were visiting the tangerine airport for a day you probably won’t notice him, his name might come up but you will find it difficult to spot him. He blend really well with the crowds, with a subtle look and a modest voice. He was admired and respected by all his teammates and sergeants, and probably was the only one to be unanimously liked. But underneath all that was an excellent schemer with a brilliant mind and an appetite for justice. A world class chess player who moved all the real-life pieces into place and directed the best check-mate move we have seen.

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A Sunday Morning In The Winter

It is Sunday morning, 10:00 am.

He has been awake since the early hours, that if we considered his tossing and turning in bed all night as some sort of sleep.

Staying in his flat wasn’t making things any better, so he decided to go to the coffee shop around the corner.

Streets were unusually busy for the time and day, many people with suitcases waiting around for taxis. “Are they all leaving for Christmas holiday already?” he thought. Continue reading

The Golden Bullet Sniper

This story is part of a short stories collection: “The Tangerine Airport”


One of my two favourite people in the entire airport. He joined three months after I did, and I immediately noticed him. Handsome, decent looking lad in an oversized uniform (which is incredibly hard to do because everyone looks like slaves in it) with joyful eyes that made me curious to know his story. I was not disappointed, my first instinct was correct about him. Though he was allocated to the ground forces and they lived in a large warehouse about two miles down by the tarmac, they had a separate sideshow there and only came up to the main base for lunch and Friday prayers. Continue reading

The Subtle Art of Creating a Playlist

Why does no one listen to radio on their phone anymore? Why would they rather use Spotify or similar apps? Why would you rather play music from YouTube on your laptop than let a music channel on TV on for example? Why is it always a constant fight between you and your best friend/partner on who will choose the music to play in the car? Is it because you are secretly worried about getting some songs you wouldn’t like? Admit it, I do too! Nothing is worse than being in the right mood and having that ruined by a stream of bad tunes.

But what if you were to make the playlist yourself? would you be able to fit in all the songs you like, and make sure no “wrong” songs are in there? Even then, would you be completely sure that it won’t get boring or be out of your mood? Wow, It really is hard to make a really good playlist! And what is a good playlist anyway? Continue reading

Beautiful Boy

With all the hype about the film, and having Timothee’s performances being on a roller coaster spiraling to the top, I have been anticipating its release for few weeks. When I finally got to see it, I wasn’t disappointed. It lived up to my expectations for it being reasonable, relatable and focusing on the surrounding circumstances of addiction rather than the problem or the treatment. No pointing fingers, no blaming certain factors/people, nothing subjective. With powerful scenes and genuine acting skills, I walked out from theatre content and satisfied. Continue reading

Tales of the Broken Shoes: The Cinque Terre Hike

May 2010, Italy.

Right after the exams were over, this trip was planned in a matter of days. As one of the most visited places in Europe, and a very popular hike trail, She had no problem getting the needed information easily. A previous schengen visa was a plus help. Sunny days in a beautiful Mediterranean coastal country were the perfect kick off she needed for the vacation. Continue reading

Coldplay Live. A concert of a lifetime!

Never have I ever watched a Coldplay show and not having an euphoria afterwards, that boost my day, my mood, my performance and everything else. There is something magical about it, I am sure those who have been to a gig can tell us more about it. The brilliant stage, the Xylobands, amazing lights, magical special effects, and the music itself of course. Add to all that Chris Martin and his stage persona and the amazing team behind the entire set who manage the tours.
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